I’m a Flower Smeller

I’m not really sure what this means, but apparently I’m worth a Flower Smeller Award because I’ve been inspiring or insightful. I received this from Mike at The View From Here, where I recently published a short article.

This award is part-meme, so don’t be surprised if I tag you with it. I can tag five people.

So, here are the five people I tag:

  1. Jordan’s Muse, blog of writer Jordan Rosenfeld. Co-author, along with Rebecca Lawton, of Write Free, an inspiring book on positive thinking.
  2. Sophisticated Dorkiness, blog of Kim Ukura, a journalism grad student. Insightful posts about her experiences as a budding journalist and adventures as a reader. It’s nice to see someone staying enthusiastic about journalism.
  3. Lisa Romeo Writes, blog of writer Lisa Romeo. Who can’t be inspired by someone who in mid-life   recently finished an MFA in creative nonfiction, and continues to write as a freelancer? Gives hope for all of us trying to write in a world that seems increasingly hostile to the written word.
  4. Scobberlotch, blog of novelist Karen Harrington. Just read her recent post about being the writer at the party. If that doesn’t make you laugh, you have no sense of humor.
  5. Straight From Hel, blog of writer Helen Ginger. Always insightful posts about writing and publishing.


More information about the Flower Smeller Award is available here.